jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

How can NGOs help people?:


NGOs are the last resourced for thousands of people in the Third world nations. However, from my point of view, it´s hard to decide the way in which they must shoot to their targets.

On one side, they can provide needy people with nourishment, shelter, vaccines, medicines, education, protection.. and they will probably save their lifes, but this is just as trying to buoy a boat throwing overboard water buckets.

On the other side, ONGs can just fill the hole because of which the ship is sinking.
This is way harder and is several cases unfeasible as changing the global economic system. Nevertheless, there are projects as vacunning an entire population in order to erradicate an illness that are affordable.

Tu sump up, in most of the actual issues the ONGs must attack he root of the problem.

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